Few simple steps to follow and get your blog accepted by Google Adsense.
I am giving some tips to get your adsense account accepted by providing some details on Site the Blog structure.
So first of all you need is a blog account to start with, you can create a blog with blogger.com its very easy to use, and it’s a sister company from google so its better to get an account with the blogger.com and its Free.
After opening an account with the blogger.com you get the access to your account in which you can create your new blog.
Create a new blog with XYZ name relating to the content of your blog.
After creating a blog you have to enter content in your blog that is the information which you want to share in your blog, remember that your content should be original not a copy of others content, otherwise Adsense will Reject your submission of the Blog. Write whatever you know best otherwise may be you get bored after some time with the topic you dont know about.
So write up a good content any information about something you know well e.g Any new Gadget review from the market, any local news you have to share with and ETC, don’t write a blog about yourself.
Now after you have created your blog add some relating pictures to your blog this will give some good impression to your blog so add some images in your content.
Now advertise your blog to the people on the Web by submitting to Google, Msn, Yahoo etc etc search engines, forums social bookmarking sites as well as others which you know. Technorati, delicious etc
Also add Meta-Tags to your blog,, this will be below the header tag in the html section of your blog in your blogger account,,doin this will be very help full to get listed in better positions in search engines.
Now open a account in Google Analytics google.com/analytics
This is for the traffic review of your blog how much traffic came to your website per day, per month , country origin of the traffic which you got, traffic from keywords etc.
This is a very useful tool for your Blog and Site you can analyze what to be done next to get more traffic after reviewing date in analytics
Then open a account in kontera or any other Content link programme and add the code before the body region in the html section of your blog through your blogger account.
This will show to adsense that you have the knowledge of adding html codes plus this will also generate Income for you whenever some one clicks on the content links.
There are some good Content Link providers as I said you Kontera, Infolinks, Inlinks Etc
Kontera will approve your account instantly.
Know after adding the code & getting some traffic from the web you are ready to submit your blog to the adsense.
Make your site Organized by adding links to your web pages of site or blog. Do some Link Sharing with other bloggers,

Go to Adsense open an account and submit your blog I bet you your account wont get rejected.
I am telling this on my personal experience in opening an account with google.
There are several programmes running like adsense but adsense i good,
also note that there another famous ad programme which have been like google adsense and it is gaining popularity day by day. Chitika
Best of Luck
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